Eurasia Diary made an exclusive coverage on the occasion of ‘China Day’ cultural event that was held at ADA University.
Yesterday, on November 24, ADA Intercultural Club organized China Day at ADA University. During this event, students of ADA University in cooperation with the Confucius Institute at Baku State University briefly presented the information about Chinese language, traditions and culture. Taking into account the developing cooperation between China and Azerbaijan, more and more students from Azerbaijan are willing to learn Chinese language. Moreover, students with a good knowledge of Chinese language can get a chance to go to China for free.
The event started with a traditional Chinese dance. All dancers were dressed in Chinese national dresses. This amazing performance fascinated the audience and gave a start of China Day at ADA University.
After short presentation about China, its culture and food that are very unique, China day event continued with dance dragon.
Note that dragon dances have been indispensable to Chinese festivals since ancient times. The performance of the dragon dance is accompanied by the intense, mesmerizing rhythm of cymbals, gongs and the big drum. The sound and the rhythm conduct the movement of the dragon. The artistic of the dance team mimics the supposed movements of this spirit and hence brings the motionless body to life.
The event was fulfilled with various games and contests. After brief explanation of basic Chinese grammar, the students were asked to answer several questions. In the case of the correct answers, they were given some gifts.
At the end of the event, Director of Confucius Institute at Baku State University Ms. Luo Xiaozhi, in her short speech in from of the audience, highlighted the positive dynamics in development of China-Azerbaijan bilateral relations and some major benefits for students of the Universities in Azerbaijan. The Chinese government provides full Master scholarships for students from Azerbaijan with good level of Chinese language. Therefore, studying Chinese languages is a real opportunity to not only know one of the ancient languages in the world but also get a chance to study in China with a good scholarship.
By Anastasia Lavrina