After Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the president of Kyrgyzstan also came to our country. The leader of Tajikistan will visit in May. How to interpret the visit of the leaders of the Central Asian countries to Azerbaijan?
During his statement to Ednews, Free Motherland Party Chairman Akif Naghi said that the balance of forces in the world is changing. New power centers are emerging:
"Russia is losing its position. Russia has to take a place next to China. America is not as strong as it used to be, and it is not able to defend its interests everywhere. America's position in Europe is also weakening. The world of Turan emerges as a new center of power. The example of Azerbaijan and Turkey was also seen by other Turkic states that coming together meets the interests of each of them in all respects. Suddenly, this process went fast. They were hesitating for a long time, but it is felt that during the last 1 year, perhaps the processes are going too fast. The process of Turkish self-realization is going on here, and at the same time there are political-economic-military interests. The union of Turkish states is formed. Ideologically, the idea of Turan is more important."