Speaker of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova receives ambassador of Libya to Azerbaijan

Politics 16:45 27.06.2024

Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova has received the Ambassador of the State of Libya to the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Salem Nasser, the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis told Ednews.

The friendly ties and political connexions between our countries were broached at the meeting. It was stressed that the political relations setting fine standards boded well for opportunities to develop the bilateral bonds in other areas as well.

It was also said that Azerbaijan and Libya demonstrated mutual support on all issues in international organisations. Libya has always supported the territorial integrity of our country, be it during or after the occupation.

The high level of co-operation in the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation was lauded as well. They mentioned the Libyan side’s high-status representation at the Non-Aligned Movement meetings.

Expanding the inter-parliamentary co-operation was discussed, too, especially given the opportunities to deepen the links in this field.

It was noted that the Parliamentary Network of the Non-Aligned Movement established on the initiative of the President of Azerbaijan is one of the important mechanisms for expanding the co-operation between the legislative bodies of our countries. Speaker Sahiba Gafarova informed the Libyan diplomat of the activities of the PN. The participation of the Libyan parliament in the Network's events was mentioned, too, as was the election of First Deputy Head of the House of Representatives of Libya Fawzi Salim Deputy Chairman of the PN for the African Group whilst he was attending the Network’s Baku Conference.

Ali Salem Nasser offered his congratulations on the Armed Forces Day on the 26th of June.

He said that he would spare no effort during his ambassial tenure to tighten the links between our countries and nations. The diplomat mentioned the important events held by Azerbaijan both during the presidency over the Non-Aligned Movement and in the context of activities in the other important international organisations.

Other matters of shared interest were talked over as well as the conversation went on.

Euronews broadcast interview with President Ilham Aliyev - VIDEO

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