In 1997, fueled by the global awareness Princess Diana sparked, Heidi embarked on a mission to address the landmine crisis. From her California basement to clearing landmines in Croatia and beyond, Roots of Peace has evolved into a global force for change.
Heidi's vision goes beyond landmine removal, emphasizing regenerative agriculture, and revitalizing industries in war-torn regions like Afghanistan, Angola, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. In 2010, her partnership with Mines Advisory Group led to the planting of over 16 million black pepper trees in Vietnam, benefitting thousands of farmers.
It is noteworthy that In recognition of her outstanding contributions, Heidi Kühn was honored with the prestigious World Food Prize in 2023, underscoring her exceptional impact on global agriculture and peacebuilding.
The full video presentation on this journey and the incredible work of "Roots of Peace" is in the video down below.