Azerbaijan weather forecast for June 25

Society 13:22 24.06.2024

Mostly dry weather is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula on June 25, Ednews informs, citing the National Hydrometeorological Service of Azerbaijan.

However, short-time showers are possible in the suburbs. Mild southeast winds will blow.

The temperature will be +20 - +25 C at night and +30 - +35 C in the daytime. Atmospheric pressure will reach 752 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 70-80% at night and 50-60% during the day.

On June 25, dry weather is expected in the other regions of Azerbaijan. East winds will blow.

The temperature will be +20 - +24 C at night, +32 - +37 C in the daytime.

In the highlands, it will be +10 - +15 C at night, and +20 - +25 C in the daytime.

Euronews broadcast interview with President Ilham Aliyev - VIDEO

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