The West is beginning to understand that the “Ukraine project” is failing but can not stop assisting Kyiv because of its economic benefit and fear of losing “prestige,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday, Ednews reports via Sputnik.
“The figures that are hidden in Ukraine, speak a lot about how important it is for the West to prevent the ‘failure’ of their ‘Ukraine project’. Moreover, they already understand that the failure has already begun. Nevertheless, they cannot stop. And not only for reasons of prestige … And also from the point of view of economic benefits,” Lavrov said during a meeting with foreign diplomats in Moscow.
Addressing the UN Security Council meeting on January 22, 2023, Lavrov emphasized that there are no interests - and there never were - in the conflict with Russia in favor of the Ukrainian people. There are only “the interests of the Anglo-Saxons, their henchmen, and the criminal, rotten Kyiv elite, which is tied to the West by mutual responsibility and which is afraid of being swept away the day after the end of the war."