As a result of the outbreak of measles in the European region from the beginning of 2023, the local spread of the infection continues in different regions of Azerbaijan, Ednews reports via The Health Ministry of Azerbaijan.
The analysis of infection cases registered in the country and epidemiological situation indicates that in addition to children under 10 years of age, cases of infection also happen among children over 10 years old and adults.
Such cases of infection are observed mainly among people who are susceptible to measles infection, that is, people up to 40 years of age who have never had the disease or who have not been vaccinated against measles.
To protect the health of the population and prevent infections, the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan has imported the appropriate vaccine preparations to the country for implementing vaccination measures among the 11-40-year-old population who were not vaccinated against measles on time. Currently, work is being done on the organization of immunization events.